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In 1954, Cheikh Anta Diop, at the end of a long and fruitful work of research, operates, with Negro Nations and Culture, a decisive turning point in African and world historiography: Pharaonic Egypt, African region of the Nile Valley. , belongs, in its entirety, from the predynastic beginnings to the end of the indigenous dynasties, to the whole of the Negro-African universe. In 1967, that is to say thirteen years later, the African scientist resumed his essential ideas on the origins of present-day humanity and on the kinship between ancient Egypt and deep black Africa: the anteriority of civilizations negroes was thus established. In 1981, his work culminated with Civilization ou Barbarie, a synthesis and extension of his historical reflection on the future of humanity. The 1992 reissue of Anteriority ... put a major work on African historical issues back into circulation. Book long out of print, but constantly in demand, sought after. The lesson is this. Egyptology, to take on any meaning as a living historical science, must necessarily reconnect with Negro-African civilizations, beyond the cold formalism of the exegesis of the texts. This inaugural lesson by Cheikh Anta Diop has already become the breviary of African and African-American Egyptology. May Western Egyptology finally hear, in turn, the lesson of Cheikh Anta Diop for the renewal of Egyptian-Nubian studies.



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