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Christelle's quest for identity, a necessary return to her African origins ...

Christelle Akeza was a young girl born in France in 1992. She lived in a province of this beautiful country with her little brother Enok, her mother and her father. Her context of life resembled so many others, she moved forward in this world of torturers, protected by a material comfort which allowed her to feed herself, to study and to envisage a future. She had everything to continue this life in France. Absolutely everything. Thank you France. His parents had immigrated to ensure a future free from turmoil and turpitude. Goodbye Africa.

They had sacrificed themselves like never before so that his laughter remained. Surely the fight should have ended there. But Christelle had questions, Christelle had a lack of identity which directed her in an instinctual and spiritual way towards her continent of genetic origin. And his head was swelling from the inside out, letting the swelling push the bones out of his skull. She needed to know what her parents had fled from; because she just needed it and exile had taken away an inheritance that she refused to lose.

Why all these questions from the height of his seventeen years? What was going on in the mind of this young girl who was drifting into spiritual dismemberment? What were the words that could have described these years of quest and despair? While her plate was full, she was starving. While her closet was overflowing with winter coats, she shivered with cold.

What were the words she would have wanted to cry out to the world, explaining her marginal actions, her crippling anxieties? If Akeza's skull could snap open for a moment ...

A magnificent initiatory novel that will take you into a moving and gripping reading!



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