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All the work of Cheikh Anta Diop militates in favor of the unity of Black Africa; of this unity, pledge of true independence, the author, partisan of a federal state of Black Africa, lays the foundations here. As soon as it is affirmed, the principle of unity transforms all the problems facing Africa. Contrary to what the compromises of empiricism provoke, by the unitary gesture a path of development is indicated, clear, dynamic, convincing. But the will for unity belongs to politics; in this book, Cheikh Anta Diop, with his great knowledge of African realities, only demonstrates the merits and fruitfulness of his option. Let it suffice for us to enumerate in the order of the different levels enlightened by the principle and subject to inventory and objective analysis. For men, there is no unity without memory: it is a question of restoring African historical consciousness. There is no national and federal identity without a common language: linguistic unification is possible. Worse than balkanization, South Americanization is looming over disunited Africa: political unity and federalism. Cheikh Anta Diop addresses the demographic problem and that of the emancipation of African women. One of the most stimulating chapters, directly related to the current energy crisis and to the drought currently raging in tropical Africa, concerns the sources of energy that the black continent could exploit abundantly: hydraulic or hydroelectric, solar, atomic, geothermal, etc. Industrialization, the conquest and organization of the internal market, the means of transport are part of the same perspective, as well as the training of the men necessary for this vast enterprise: training of technical executives, investment funds, scientific research and university reforms. This program text suggests Africa's immense resources and its potential power; written about thirty years ago, it is still as current as ever through the solutions it offers; and also admirable for the faith to which he testifies.


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