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Africans have been taught to develop a negative image of themselves, of their spiritual productions, and to maintain that African prayers belong to the register of folklore.

It is about breaking with this negative image of Africa and building a founding myth. It is on the basis of a new imagination that it is important to reconnect with a spirituality of negritude capable of appearing as a catalyst of African consciousnesses and of constituting a source of creative energies in order to propel ourselves forward. , especially since "the tree only rises towards the sky by plunging its roots into the nourishing earth" (Birago Diop).

This publication is also intended to fill the void where African people are tired of thinking and praying by proxy.

This work is subdivided into two chapters of unequal length: Praying African style or Propos d'un spiritualualité de la negritude; Meeting with Mufuki.


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